Another year on, and this time the closing of 2019 marks the end of a decade. 2019 has been an exciting year in business for MSID as well a very special one for my family and today I’m proud to share some of my favourite moments of the last 12 months with you and reflect on some highlights of the decade.
Over the past 10 years, I have worked with some fabulous clients, often having the joy of working with the same clients on multiple occasions. There is a client I have now done 4 homes for, including one in Melbourne. There are a couple of Melbourne projects now under our belts that I’m very proud of- it’s always wonderful being given the opportunity to work with clients across different states as well as our client base here in Sydney NSW. There have been many projects I’m proud of from this year, including the Caulfield Residence which is also a recent addition to our portfolio.

A true highlight every year is building rapport with the property owners and families who trust us with their homes and delivering results that they can love and enjoy.
A massive milestone for MSID this year was moving from a home office (which has been the office for 22 years) to Queen Street, Woollahra, in June of 2019. It has been truly wonderful and special welcoming our clients to our new studio, for meetings and presentations, as well as suppliers and brand representatives.

One of my favourite parts of the studio is the shop front which has a window facing onto the street, with a lot of passing traffic. We style it with furniture, fabrics, lighting and objects, changing it regularly to showcase trends, new textiles and designs that catch our eye and present our style to those who pass by. It’s a beautiful area and design hub that we now get to call home, with both Woollahra and Paddington attracting other designers and furniture retailers.

This year I have also had the pleasure of welcoming the newest member of MSID to the team, Emma Evans, along with my daughter Stephanie Nadel who joined me previously in early 2018. Emma brings further international experience to our team, after living in London and working on hotel projects in London, Barcelona and Belgrade. When Emma isn’t busy with us in the studio, she is out enjoying ocean swims, yoga and coffee.

It’s been great welcoming Emma to the team this year, exciting to watch MSID expand and a pleasure to now work with 2 wonderful full-time Interior Architects.

I have travelled to Europe for inspiration and pleasure almost every year over the past decade. There have been some exceptional buildings and landscapes that have fueled my creativity, and plenty of days under the European sun that won’t be forgotten.

Earlier this year, I travelled to Italy in June for a month, with my husband, Robin, for two family weddings, one in Tuscany and one in Milan. We also spent 10 days in Sicily, going to Noto, Taormina, Etna.
A very special part of this year was becoming a grandmother for the first time in February. My eldest daughter Cassie had a little girl, Asher Mila, and then in August, Stephanie had a little boy, Yves Peter.

We have also become empty nesters as our youngest daughter, Samantha has moved out and now lives with her partner. It’s been a big year for my family and I’m looking forward to spending this holiday season celebrating with them.
Thank you for following along with me during 2019, it has been a pleasure sharing my experiences, projects, insights and behind the scenes with you yet again. A very special thank you to those who have been with me on this journey and supporting me for the past decade.
Here’s to celebrating another fabulous year and decade too come! Wishing all of my readers, family, friends and lovely clients a wonderful New Year- I hope 2020 brings you happiness and success, whatever that looks like for you.
Marylou and the Marylou Sobel Interior Design studio team x