The importance of following a Design Process Originally working independently as a designer for around 15 years, my need for a structured and documented process manual wasn’t as great as it is... Marylou Aug 11, 2022
Step Inside the MSID studio… Having my own interior design studio was always my dream. From humble beginnings working from home, juggling being a busy mother of three with... Marylou Jul 28, 2022
Packing for a trip – a design project in its own right I have always loved to travel; explore different cultures, admire foreign architecture, indulge in new cuisine, and get truly excited by fashion.... Marylou Jun 01, 2022
What’s the difference between interior design and interior styling With the popularity of social media platforms like Pinterest or Instagram, many have discovered inspiration for styling their homes (and can easily... Marylou May 19, 2022
Designing for Four Seasons Sydney has seen unprecedented rainfall this year. It's certainly not been the summer that we are used to here, quite literally dampening the... Marylou May 04, 2022
For the love of sourcing for projects I’ve been an interior designer from a young age, in different countries on different continents. The world around us has changed rapidly in the last... Marylou Feb 24, 2022