Here we are, at the end of 2021 and what a year it has been. After 2020 I’m sure we weren’t the only ones hoping for a better year, and although it did present some challenges (admittedly the Sydney lockdown was a difficult one to deal with!)it also came with some great triumphs.
Working remotely…
The reintroduction of social restrictions in Sydney in mid-2021 resulted in the MSID team having to revert back to working remotely. As interior designers, we thrive from the energy that we create in our studio, so this new approach to working was certainly trying, but thankfully we managed to find some innovative ways to continue that creativity and deliver outstanding projects to our clients despite restrictions.
A growing team…
2021 has seen some adjustments to the MSID team. We said goodbye to Emma this year as she left us to have her first baby. We appreciated all of her hard work, dedication and skill while she was working with us. But when one door closes another opens, and we added another two new team members, Blanka and Hannah, as well as welcoming Stephanie back into the studio after her maternity leave.
I’m incredibly excited about the new additions to the team, as not only do they represent a diverse skill set, but have also offered a lot of relief and support during such a busy period. The energy in the studio is electric; the synchronicity between the team is really showing in our design work and we are very excited about the new year! We are ready for growth and expansion with such a fantastic team as the foundation of our work.
Running a business…
This year I have dedicated a lot of time to personal development when it comes to running Marylou Sobel Interior Design as a business. Working with different coaches and experts, we have introduced a number of new systems and processes, streamlining our operation further to ensure we are being efficient whilst delivering incredible design.
Despite not being a lover of remote working when it comes to my team, 2021 has been a year that I have grown fond of using Zoom and video communication. It has been a great asset to communicate with the more discreet cogs in the MSID machine; our marketing consultant, my VA, our financial support. So much can be achieved very quickly, and I have technology to thank for that.
Our wonderful clients…
This year I feel that we have worked with some fabulous clients and projects. It has definitely been a year of quality over quantity, and something that as a designer I will be bringing with me into 2022. We are truly working with projects that align with our values and style. Helping our ‘ideal clients’ transform their spaces and exceed their expectations; there really is no better feeling than the emotional response you get from a client when you reveal your design.
On a personal note…
On a personal note, we were so incredibly pleased that this year our family has introduced two gorgeous new grandchildren, bringing the number to 4 and our youngest daughter got engaged! So 2022 is going to have a lot to live up to! With every low that 2021 may have delivered, there was always a fantastic high somewhere to compensate.
How was your 2021? We’d love to hear from you in the comments. The whole team here at Marylou Sobel Interior Design would like to wish you all of the best for 2022 and are excited to start another exciting year of interior design.